- Scope and Ethical Implications of Immersive Storytelling and Journalism
- Pros and Cons of the Usage of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in PR Profession
- Social Impact of Indian Cinema – An Odyssey from Reel to Real
- Present Trends and Future Course of Box Office Success in Bollywood
- A social experiment to study the relative impact of the media on the perception building for a leisure destination
- A study on new trends in the social media promotion of the Fashion Industry
- A study to measure prefereces of watching television programmes time spent and its effect on emotional satisfaction
- Media Impasse and Revolution : Migrant South Asian pink- collar women workers in Kuwait
- Nationalist narratives in Indian Media coverage of Pulwama Attack: Critical Analyses
- Influence of Technology on Social Media
From the Founder
A message from the Founding Director of
The Global Media Journals Network
To the readers of the inaugural issue of
The Global Media Journal—Arabian Edition

Greetings and welcome to the inaugural issue of the Arabian Edition of the Global Media Journals Network with 12 editions in 12 countries, sponsored by 12 major universities, around the world.
I congratulate Dr. Fazal Malik, Dean of Humanities, Arts and Applied Sciences, for his foresight and commitment to research and scholarship. Also, I commend the School of Communication, administration, faculty, staff, and students of the Amity University in Dubai for their collective interest in this significant academic initiative, which will result in enhancing scholarship, distributing knowledge, collaborating globally, and contributing to the existing literature in the field of communication. Their collective foresight in realizing the outstanding potential of this Arabian Edition is displayed by their enthusiasm in joining the Global Media Journals Network that connects major universities, scholars, students, media practitioners, and academic organizations around the globe.
The first issue of the Global Media Journal was launched in fall of 2002 while I was at Purdue University Northwest. As the founding director of this scholarly network, I am pleased to state that since then this open-access, not-for-profit, and peer-reviewed network has steadily and firmly established itself as a credible and respected venue for publishing diverse and multifaceted research results. Papers published in various editions are routinely cited by media professionals, communication scholars, and researchers around the world. Moreover, most editions are listed in popular indexes; hence, papers published in these publications are accepted for promotion by most universities around the world. It should be noted that the for-profit GMJ edition, published by OMICS, in NOT a part of this network. The consistent goal of GMJ Network is to address diverse interests of media and journalism scholars, researchers, teachers, students, and institutions engaged in international activities, particularly global media and communication. As of this writing (Summer 2019), the following editions are accessible online and some are published in both print and electronic formats: Australian, Canadian, Chinese, German, Indian, Persian, Mexican, Malaysian, Polish, Turkish, Russian, and Slovakian. Some editions are published in two languages. I take this opportunity to encourage researchers, scholars, media professionals, and graduate student in the Middle East and beyond to contribute to this journal in the years to come. Once again, congratulations to Dr. Malik, the managing editor, advisory board members, administration, students, and faculty members of the progressive Amity University in Dubai on successfully launching the Global Media Journal-- Arabian Edition. Welcome to the GMJ network!With warm regards,

Yahya R. Kamalipour, PhD
Professor of Communication
North Carolina A&T State University
Founding Director, Global Media Journals Network
Founding President, Global Communication Association
Email: ykamalip@ncat.edu or yrkamali@pnw.edu
From Editor
Welcome to the inaugural issue of the Global Media Journal- Arabian Edition (GMJ-AE), aimed at engaging communication research in the region with the wider world to bridge the gap across the local and global discourses in media communications. Connecting the local scholarship with the developments globally is critical in recognizing the local research efforts and fostering a clear understanding across geographies, disciplines and various perspectives that make the Arab world. As we are aware, most of the research and published work about the region happens outside the Arab world. This leaves a void which needs to be filled by the original and authentic research coming from the region by the people working, living in this part of the world.
With the awe-inspiring technological developments, innovation and disruptions, the Arab world is witnessing a massive transformation in the media landscape, opening up fascinating opportunities and posing serious challenges. In this flux, media academics, scholars and practitioners are encountering real dilemmas as the paradigm that shaped the education, practice and research in media is going through a transformation at an unimaginable speed.
The Global Media Journal-Arabian Edition, engaging with this reality, offers a dynamic interdisciplinary platform to stimulate debates and advance research within this new paradigm.
Amity University Dubai is grateful to Prof. Yahya Kamalipour, Founding Director of Global Media Journals Network and Founding President, Global Communication Association for choosing us to host and develop the Global Media Journal-Arabian Edition, which makes us part of a wider network as we become the 12th family in this great academic kinship. We are starting with the first issue in the English language but subsequently will publish both English and Arabic language edition of the journal.
We are looking forward to the association with all the universities and academic institutions in the Arab world to make the GMJ-AE the academic voice of the Arab world.
Dr. Fazal Malik,
Editor, Global Media Journal Arabian- Edition
About GMJ Arabia
Global Media Journal - Arabian Edition (GMJ-AE), hosted by the Amity University in Dubai, is a free open-access online platform for discussions and the presentation of research about media communication in the Arab World and beyond. Engaging the media research in the region with the wider developments in this field across the globe, GMJ-AE bridges the gap across the local and global divide through comprehensive dialogues and deliberations. With an interdisciplinary focus, GMJ-AE contextualizes the contemporary issues in media communication within the historical, social, cultural, economic and political context to advance research in media theory, stimulate innovation in practice and promote critical engagement across disciplines and perspectives. A peer reviewed Journal, GMJ - AE welcomes original research, high-quality contributions in any relevant areas and from a worldwide authorship.
GMJ – AE publishes two issues annually. Each issue focuses on a specific theme, and is divided into two sections: one for refereed papers, and another for book reviews. Authors are not charged for paper processing, submission, production, or publication.
GMJ – AE retains copyright and that contributing authors give permission to GMJ AE to reprint their published papers, review articles, book reviews, etc. in other electronic and print formats, including books, etc. Authors may request permission from the Editor to re-publish their manuscripts in other publication outlets.
Views expressed in GMJ — CE are not necessarily endorsed by the Editor, Advisory Board, or the Amity University Dubai.
Editorial Board
Yahya R. Kamalipour, PhD
Founding Director of Global Media Journals Network
Founding President, Global Communication Association
Professor of Communication, North Carolina A&T State University
Chief Editor, Fazal Malik, PhD
Professor Media Studies
Dean Humanities, Arts and Applied Sciences, Amity University Dubai
Editor, Dr Thouraya, Snoussi
Associate Professor, Mass communication and Journalism,
University of Sharjah, UAE
International Advisory Board
Mr. Richard J. Pettz-Steele, PhD
Professor Media Law
University of Massachusetts Law School, USA
Editorial Board, Journal of Media Law & Ethics
Dr Hamad Odhabi
Executive Dean, Computer Information Sciences and Applied Communications
Higher Colleges of Technology, UAE
Dr. Manisha Shelat
Professor Communication & Digital Platforms and Strategies MICA, Ahmedabad
Editor, Editor, Journal of Creative Communications-Sage
Prof Russell Williams
Chair, Media Production and Storytelling - Zayed University, UAE
Editorial Board
Dr. Sumit Narula
Director Amity School of Communication, Gwalior, MP
Editor, Journal of Content, Community and Communication
Dr. Sadia Riaz
Assistant Professor, Research
Programme Leader Foundation Studies, Amity University Dubai
Dr. Geetanjali
Associate professor Law, Amity University Dubai
Editor, Amity Law Journal
Dr. Sonakshi Ruhela
Assistant Professor Psychology, Amity University Dubai