EMBA 510 Financial Reporting Analysis
Understanding the financial health of a company through financial statements has significant implications for equity valuation and net worth assessment. Students get acquainted with financial statements prepared under different accounting practices prevailing globally. They develop a perspective on interpreting, analyzing and applying them in an appropriate manner. Through problem solving and analysis of corporate annual reports, students make reliable estimates about the present financial health of a corporation and expected future performance.
Effective financial management is essential for the value-creation and long-term survival of a business organization. Students learn valuation of securities issued by corporations and managerial decisions related to long-term investments, sources of funds, and distribution of earnings among shareholders. Through case studies, numerical problems, and projects based on real life situations, the students learn the dynamics of financial management at corporate level.
EMBA 525 Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility
The survival of our planet is dependent on the collective efforts of all entities. Students explore how firms’ responsibilities are expanding to include non-financial elements as society welfare and global sustainability. They learn about the models and theories explaining concepts as corporate social responsibility, sustainability and global ecosystems. Through case studies, in-class discussions, students grasp the shift occurring in firms’ operations and strategies to become more sustainable, yet remain profitable.
EMBA 530 Contemporary Corporate Governance
Corporate governance calls for accountability and transparency. Students learn are introduced to its related concepts and implications for the sustainability of modern business enterprise. Through case studies, group activities and simulation exercises, they gain insights into key mechanisms of corporate governance, the policies influencing them, and the methods used in line with globally accepted best practices.
EMBA 535 Negotiation for Executives
Effective negotiation skills are essential as a personality trait in an entrepreneur for clinching beneficial deals, building strong inter-personal relations and overall corporate success. The students learn the science and art of negotiating with business partners, regulatory bodies, subordinates and top management for win-win solutions with wider acceptability. By using case studies, group activities and simulation exercises, the students develop the skills of closing business deals, managing conflicts, resolving deadlocks and communicating effectively as an executive in any organization.
EMBA 540 Supply Chain Strategy and Management
With increasing competition around the globe, supply chain management is both a challenge and an opportunity for companies. The course introduces students to the key concepts and techniques to analyze, manage and improve supply chain processes for different industries and markets. Students also learn how to assess supply chain performance and make recommendations to increase supply chain competitiveness. Learning methods include team presentations, individual assignments, and class tests.
EMBA 545 Strategy Formulation and Implementation
Sustainable competitive advantage is the product of well-formulated strategies. Students learn to envision business successes by finding market gaps, capitalizing on competitive advantage, and executing strategic plans in effective manners. They explore topics such as critical thinking, planning, and decision-making, strategic plan development and effective operational implementation. This will be done through case studies, in-class discussions and presentations.
EMBA 550 Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace
Diversity management helps organizations to create a mutually beneficial and harmonious relationship with its employees. It also offers students the opportunity to understand issues such as cross-cultural communication, leadership dilemmas, power, inclusion, creativity and innovation. Students learn successful inclusion approaches to maximise corporate diversity in the workplace. They develop strategies to maintain a balanced and harmonious workplace through interactive presentations, role plays, group discussions and projects on diversity management.